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National Certified Recovery Specialist (NCRS)

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Illinois Peer Specialist Program

NAADAC is excited to announce that it has partnered with the Illinois Association of Extended Care (IAEC) to administer the National Certified Recovery Specialist (NCRS) Credential for peer recovery specialists in the State of Illinois.

The Illinois Peer Specialist Program (IPSP) is a collaborative effort between NAADAC and IAEC to streamline each step of the credentialing process for peers, produce highly trained and knowledgeable recovery specialists, and continue to be a one-stop shop for all NCRS credentialing needs.

NCRS Test Acceptance Offer Application

Current and recently lapsed NCRS credential holders in Illinois have the one-time opportunity to transfer their current training, education, work experience and supervision hours directly to NAADAC and become appropriately credentialed in the IPSP without additional testing requirements. This offer will be available for six (6) months until September 30, 2023. At the end of the transfer window, the only path to obtain the NCRS credential is to undergo the full application and testing process.

The Test Acceptance Offer Application is now available! If you hold a current or recently expired (within six (6) months) National Certified Recovery Specialist (NCRS) credential, apply today to take advantage of this offer. Applications must be received by September 30, 2023. After that date, additional testing is required.

NCRS Initial Application 

If you are a new candidate applying for the National Certified Recovery Specialist (NCRS) credential, candidates must email completed and signed application, all supporting documentation, with payment to


If using a check or money order, the candidate should make payment out to NAADAC and mail to 44 Canal Center Plaza #301, Alexandria, VA 22314.


Once received and processed, you will be notified by NAADAC of next steps in the new application process.


NCRS Test Acceptance Offer Application 
NCRS Initial Application 


Illinois National Certified Recovery Specialist (NCRS) Code of Ethics 
Illinois National Certified Recovery Specialist (NCRS) Ethics Enforcement Procedure (coming soon)
Illinois National Certified Recovery Specialist (NCRS) Ethics Complaint Form (coming soon)

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