Illinois Association of Extended Care
A Residential Social Model or Recovery Home or Halfway House is a community based, peer-group orientated, residential facility that provides food, shelter, and recovery services in a supportive, non-drinking, drug-free environment for alcoholics and other drug addicts who do not require care and supervision. Services provided by a recovery home shall include individual and group recovery planning, alcohol and other drug recovery education, group support, recreational activities, and information about and assistance in obtaining health, social, vocational and other community services.
The home must be cheerful, warm and accepting and provide an environment within which the recovering alcoholic or drug addict has the opportunity to make a positive change in lifestyle. The home must encourage involvement of the residents in the community. Home programs must be designed to meet the needs of the target population served, and program objectives must be described in measurable terms.
a. The major goal of recovery homes or halfway houses is to provide an environment where men and women recovering from alcoholism or other drug addition will experience a sober, functioning lifestyle and return to the community as responsible individuals.
b. The home environment must motivate the resident to function in many social areas and assist them, when necessary, in areas where they have difficulty meeting their needs.
c. The home environment must be as compatible as possible with that of the community to emphasize those personal strengths which will facilitate a resident’s reentry into the community.
d. The home will emphasize ”well-being” and build resident’s strengths, giving time and opportunity for personal growth.
e. Recovery homes or halfway houses and help residents learn living skills by providing opportunities for socializing with other people who have similar needs and goals.
f. The residents in a home provide each other with peer group identification and support during periods of adjustment to a life without alcohol and other drugs.
g. Homes must give residents opportunity for self-government consistent with their abilities and behaviors. Each resident should have a stake in the home, its welfare, and future.
h. Recovery homes or halfway houses should permit a division of tasks and provide explicit roles in which residents can grow as they work toward readjustment to the community.
i. Homes should provide accurate information for residents to obtain necessary community services.
j. To insure their stability, homes should not be solely dependent financially on any single source.
k. Homes may provide specialized services depending on needs demonstrated by participants.
1103. RESIDENTIAL RECOVERY SERVICES may offer any or all of the following services:
a. Social Setting Detoxification, Sobering Services: Service period is usually one to seven days.
b. Primary recovery: Orientation; introduction of resident to recovery resources; evaluation of resident’s needs. Services period is usually one to twelve months.
c. Supportive recovery: Support in a residential setting for persons who are not yet ready for independent living. Service period is usually one to twelve months.
d. Long-term residency: Service for persons whose self-sustained recovery progress is slow. Service period is indeterminate.
e. Cooperative living: Living arrangements for recovering alcoholics or drug addicts whose lifestyles are stable and who do not need structured programs. May be permanent or long-term. May also be known as Sober Living Environment.
A Non-residential Social Model Program is a community-based program that provides a sober supportive environment, offers services to persons with alcohol and or other drug related problems and educated the surrounding community concerning such problems in order to reduce alcohol and other drug related problems including alcoholism and other drug addiction.
a. The major goal of non-residential social model programs is to offer a variety of services to assist persons in developing a lifestyle that supports sobriety. The activities range from unstructured opportunities to meet peers in a comfortable alcohol and other drug-free setting, to more structured activities such as alcohol and other drug discussion and education groups, social and recreation events, and appropriate topical groups and family services.
b. The program will emphasize community alcohol and other drug problems in discussion and education of group activities.
c. The program will include methodologies to identify individual and family alcohol and other drug related problems and establish a referral system for services not available through the program.
d. The program will have an alcohol and drug-free activities area on a drop-in basis and provide space or meetings o A.A., Alanon, and other mutual self-help programs.
1106. NON-RESIDENTIAL SOCIAL MODEL PROGRAMS are one of the following:
a. Drop-in centers.
b. Neighborhood recovery centers;
c. Other
Each social model residential and non-residential recovery program shall have a written statement of philosophy and measurable objectives. The statement should include, and the philosophy and objectives must reflect the following:
a. Group to be served (age, gender, ethnic groups);
b. Geographical area served.
c. Level and type of services to be delivered.
d. Overall recovery objectives for the target groups, Objectives shall be two types – outcome and process. Outcome shall reflect the intended results to the program and process, and the means to accomplish the outcome objective.
Each social model residential and non-residential recovery shall report program activity in a manner which allows quantitative and qualitative assessment of program objective achievement. Minimal records which must be maintained are:
a. Number accepted for participation monthly;
b. For residential programs: Number and reasons for departures and length of stay;
c. Other records maintained may allow data collection of the above by age, sex, and ethnic breakdown.
d. Measures of effectiveness